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Old 07-07-2014, 08:38 PM   #5
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Default Re: Found a ROCK in my cigar, Yes you read right.

1) You should change your handle to "Charlie Brown". Never before have I heard a more appropriate and fitting reason for someone to do that on cigar board.

2) It happens. I'll admit that I've never heard of a rock in a cigar before, but twine or nylon tie line and bits of the plastic bags the rollers store the leaves in while working are not unheard of. I've also heard of pieces of aluminum foil, cloth (probably from the cloth the rollers/bunchers use to wipe stuff down) even a band-aid. The speed at which these cigars are rolled, stuff can fall in and if the bunchero doesn't see it right at that moment, chances are tobacco will be folded over the top of it within seconds. A rock, yeah, kind of odd for something that large and rigid to not get noticed. Kind of surprised that you were able to get a good draw with that pluging it up though.
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