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Old 07-02-2014, 10:49 AM   #1
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Default My VinoTemp 18 Build !

Awhile back I posted a thread asking about who had a VinoTemp 18 .
how it worked for them and suggestions on drawers/trays ect.

On that thread I got a lot of great ideas and help in deciding on what I would do .
Great advise from BonGing , Porch Dweller , CdnStogie and especially BadBriar .

Thanks guys.

So I thought I would start a new thread on my build .
I was going for thrifty ...but decided to spend a bit more for easier build.

The trays most use are from Cheap Humidors are the 12 "x 8 1/2" x 2 1/2" theses are very nice for $10 and they have hand hold holes . some have just used a single tray per shelf a few have cut some trays in half and glued a half on a whole tray to make a full drawer for the 28 or 24 bottle wine coolers .

To make a full drawer for my SMALLER Vinotemp18 I will use Cheap Humidors smaller display cabinet Spanish cedar tray ,
10 1/4" x 8" x 1 1/2" I am attaching a photo of the CH smaller trays .

I ordered seven trays .
I will take four full trays and cut two more in half I will glue the 4 half trays onto the backs of the 4 full trays making four 10 1/4" x 12" x 1 1/2 " trays.
I also ordered 8 36"x1"x1/4" Spanish cedar strips/boards
I will then add a one inch x 1/4" strip at top of each tray to make the trays/drawers 2 1/2" deep.
I will take the last full tray and add on inch strip to make a half drawer for bottom .

I have a bamboo cutting board to cut down for top shelf .

AUSTIN S.E. Nebraska
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