Welcome to Puff.com!
As the founder of the site I would like to personally thank you for registering and I hope you find the site as interesting and as informative as I do. Please take a moment to read the information below and it will greatly increase your understanding of how the site works and what it has to offer you.
The premise of the Puff Cigar Community website is that we can, working together, build an online community that will help all of us pursue information about our hobby. You can share information, retrieve information and even request it from others that share the same interests as your self.
Puff was created with the goal of providing an online cigar community that does not fall prey to the elitist attitude common among many similar sites. Currently there is no cost to participate in Puff. Any monies received from the site are returned to operating expenses and expansion dollars.
Upon receiving this Private Message you are able to view the forums at Puff.
Private Messaging will not function until you have been a member in good standing for 30 days and have accumulated a minimum of 30 posts. This is to prevent spamming.
Below we have included some suggested threads to read before you begin posting.
Welcome to the ocean!,
Jon Caputo
Select an Avatar, this gives your account personality. You can always upload your own as well.
Post in the “New Puffer Fish” forum. A couple sentences about you go a long way to making Puff feel like home.
Read the Forum Rules!
Welcome to Puff!
joncaputo is online now