Thread: The Joy of Sex
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Old 06-23-2014, 11:57 AM   #1
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Default The Joy of Sex

An 82 year old man walks into the confessional and says, "Father, my wife passed away 10 years ago and I recently met a gorgeous 29 year old girl. Well, we've been fornicating all over the place. We've been intimate at the beach, on the kitchen table and in the back of a taxi cab. And we've done things to each other I've never heard of before."

The Father says, It's OK child of God. Say an Act of Contrition and five Hail Mary's."

Old man says, "Father I don't even know what that means I'm Jewish."

The Father says, "well sir, why are you telling me this?"

Old Man says, "Father, I'm telling EVERYONE."
Fear is the dark room in which negatives are developed. - Anon.
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