Thread: It's happend
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:50 PM   #1091
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Default Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by SilverFox View Post

I initially sent a PM off to members of our elite group of 11 to perhaps gently guide this thread into the abyss. Then I realized that you should never ask of someone something that you are not willing to do yourself.

While I fully agree that there is an onslaught of emotional waste that has occured as a result of one mans actions over at the jungle formerly known as CS I think maybe it is time to enjoy the Asylum for what it is and bury all this negativity.

It is clear that we have something better than what we left behind, I respectfully ask my fellow inmates to let this issue fall aside and die, we are better than that, that is why we came here.

Thank you,

Well said Shawn. Lets hope everyone takes your words to heart.