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Old 06-10-2014, 02:04 PM   #14
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Default Re: Bought a Quadcopter

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Curious how far the radio range is and does your experience seem to meet with the advertised rage?

Obviously, being the size of your palm, it's not like you can fly it that far away and still see it, but still nice to know.
Range is 100m, its too small to fly that far away. As far as the rage, yea I think its freakin cool! My daughters love it too, its fun to fly around. And a cheap way to get into RC flying in a small area. Park flyers and such require a much larger area to practice. And the 'skills' to fly both are similar.

And in regards to some other posts. There is no video on this one. And the ones with video your not going to be sneaking up on anyone...these things are pretty noisy. The FPV ones are pretty cool as you can fly it using a screen on your remote. Im not into recording anyone lol.
Your silly little opinion has been noted!
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