Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
Originally Posted by massphatness
A Spanish aristocrat takes time out of his day to smoke a cigar, relax and enjoy it? Go figure. Not everyone won the sperm & egg lottery and can afforded the luxury of time.
My preference is to smoke in a relaxing environment as I enjoy the chance to savor a cigar and focus on the experience. Some time by the fire pit or on the trail with my dog is optimal, but those opportunities don't present themselves on a daily basis. However, like Tom said, I do smoke when I drive. I look forward to having a cigar on my 45 minute commute home each day. It gives me something to focus on besides the chunk of my life spent cooped up in a vehicle simply driving. I may not enjoy the cigar as much as I do in more relaxed environs, but it adds value to my day & I still enjoy it.
So while I would prefer the genteel lifestyle that would afford me two or more hours of cigar smoking relaxation time each day, I am an oblivious smoker largely by necessity.
Well said
...So don't sit upon the shoreline and say you're satisfied,
Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance that tide