Re: Bergdahl
The guys a traitor. He left his base knowing what he was doing. He mailed his personnel gear home days before he left. He secured his gear before he left. Guys who where searching for him have made statements that the locals witnessed him "crawling on his belly away from the base" (from a soldier in my unit who was looking for him). This all makes me upset but what really pisses me off is that (if I remember right) 10 soldiers died looking for him.
If this all is true and I trust my fellow soldier who is at fort campbell. I would not have traded four white owls for this guy. Time will tell if there is ever really going to be am investigation. Most of my fellow soldiers say The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Well we just gave up 5 terrorists for a POS.

GMCGTPWHAF Tennessee Chapter. Down with the bloody BIG HEAD