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Old 06-02-2014, 07:27 AM   #8
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Default Re: This question has been asked a lot..

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua View Post
You can find combo buy from places like cigar bid or those other sites, as far as having to figure out the seasoning process it's pretty fool proof involving a shot glass of water or a new / clean sponge and some distilled water. As the song says, "the waiting is the hardest part", if you don't want to wait or don't care if it's a nice little desktop you can always use tupperware and have a tuppador, no seasoning to figure out.

I'm sure others will have more to add, best of luck!
What he said. I have a regular type of humi, but since I discovered the fool-proof, high capacity storage of a cooler, that's my primary humi now.
"Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not." -John Galt
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