Originally Posted by 8zeros
Does anyone else have a problem with pistols that if you're shooting one you haven't practiced with you can't hit anything with it?
I have to practice a heck of a lot to get on target. Then I loose it quickly if I don't practice. I can only hit with a gun I practice with.
I can pick up any rifle and within a couple of shots I can produce tight groups every time.
For me it's noticeable if I switch from say a 1911 or Browning Hi Power to a Glock. Not so much because of trigger management, but becasue the grip angles are very different. So the Glock will piont high for me until some trigger time is had.
By contrast I sense almost no shooting difference between the 1911 and Hi Power. Although the "crispier" trigger of a 1911 allows me to do better at longer range slow fire.