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Old 05-22-2014, 12:26 PM   #6707
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by 8zeros View Post
Does anyone else have a problem with pistols that if you're shooting one you haven't practiced with you can't hit anything with it?
I have to practice a heck of a lot to get on target. Then I loose it quickly if I don't practice. I can only hit with a gun I practice with.
I can pick up any rifle and within a couple of shots I can produce tight groups every time.
Generally it takes me a couple of magazines on a new gun to get a feel for it. However, I dry-fire the tar out of it before I go to the range so I can get familiar with the ergos and controls. I also dry-fire if I'm at the range and someone offers me trigger time with their piece. This way if it has a 3# trigger with minimal reset, I don't pop a "controlled pair" on accident.

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