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Old 05-19-2014, 12:56 PM   #5
Suck It
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Default Re: Virtual A-10A cockpit

Green scope in the upper left was one of mine. In a bird WAY older than this, lol. Radar Warning Receiver.
If you saw a number in a circle, someone had eyes on you.
If the circle got enclosed in a diamond they were tracking you.
Lord help you if they both started to FLASH.

As a side note, "looks kinda uncomfortable" is sort of right. But I have never
sat in a fighter that was comfortable. The A-10 is surprisingly spacious.
But the seats have power tilt and up and down, so you could tolerate it for
reasonably long periods. The cushion is almost 4 inches thick and pretty dense
foam. But that only covers your butt. The rest is very uncomfortable. The
corners cut to make it fully ejectable are many.

Now that I look at it, on the right wing is another one of my old devices. The
one with the black nose radome. IT LOOKS to be an AN-ALQ-119 radar jamming pod.
COULD be a later model, but I am pretty sure it is a 119. The 131 that came next was
more boxy.

Last edited by OLS; 05-19-2014 at 01:02 PM.
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