Originally Posted by Remo
Wait, you mean my parents and the guberment aren't supposed to take care of me for life  there are a lot of twenty something's that are gonna be shocked 
I worked in the "store" half of a family pharmacy (as opposed to the "prescription" part) for a few years, from opening at 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM (or longer, if needed), when I was replaced by part-timers for the few hours until closing at 9:00 PM. Usually these were high-school or college kids, and most were fine. One young jerk however was a student at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, who was also the shortstop on their baseball team. He would come in and start complaining immediately that he hated to work, then would plop his @$$ on a stool with his laptop on his knee, surfing for his paycheck. And he did this each and every day. After a while, what with me being there all day long every damn day, I got sick of hearing this crap. So one day when he showed up (instead of NOT showing up, which he did often), and started moaning again about how he hated work (as if what he was doing was actually WORK), I snapped and told him he knew where the damn door was if he really felt that way. I then asked him what he would do once he got out of school into the REAL world and actually DID have to do a little work to make a living. He replied that would be no problem because he was going to be rich. I looked at him for a second, then wished him luck with that . . . then advised him that he should have something in mind besides playing shortstop, since if he was really any damn good he'd be playing for a REAL school and NOT for Fairly Ridiculous.
He was gone within the week. I still wish him luck.