Originally Posted by The Poet
How does this differ from any farm work? Both my parents were raised on small family farms, and both worked like this as children. My mother told me many times about dragging a towsack behind her as she helped pick cotton. She did manage to get a break from field work, however. When she was nine years old, my grandmother took her into the kitchen and told her that, from that day on, it was her job to cook for a family of 10 . . . on a wood stove with the nearest water out back at the well.
Me, I live in a yuppie North Joisey town, and normally "earn" several bucks a week from picking up the spare change the yuppie puppies toss into the street because they have no respect for the money their parents work to earn. Tell me . . . which is better?
Wait, you mean my parents and the guberment aren't supposed to take care of me for life

there are a lot of twenty something's that are gonna be shocked