Originally Posted by dave
I don't know how I feel about all this....
on one hand, I admire Adorama's persistence in wanting to turn a frustrated customer into a happy one.
On the other hand, I find it a little creepy that they managed to hunt OLS down and practically hijack the 'OLS-Photo/Camera-Banter-Thread'.
I can imagine.....One of these days I'll be sitting in a local B&M, mention that I think RP sucks and Rocky himself will swoop in 15 minutes later offering me free cigars and promising to do better if only I promise to keep my negative thoughts about his cigars between me and him.
I have to say I feel the same way. While a certain part of me admires the tenacity of tracking someone down, joining a forum that
is not specifically a photography forum, and then proceeding to post in that forum in an open thread seems a little creepy and actually, disrespectful. I would think that if the person has delt with their company, then said company would have contact information to
privately contact the customer that is having issues with them, or at least possibly send the unhappy customer a private message after tracking them down. I think if I was to stalk an unhappy customer down, I would at least have looked over the forums FAQs and probably even have registered as a vender, as I would not be joining to participate in or add to the community as the forum was intended.
Personally, it would have impressed me more if Brad had been able to came back to the open thread and explain that customer service had tracked him down and thru private conversations (email or pm's) made things right. But to join and immediately start posting in a thread seems somewhat, again, disrespectful. But hey, that's just my two cents worth.
For what it's worth, I dealt with Adoroma quite a bit back in my days as a working photographer and was generally pleased by their support at that time. Knowing now that they may be out there stalking me, I'm not sure if I would give them much of my business or money now.
As I said, my

worth...YGWYPF, YMMV