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Old 05-08-2014, 06:46 AM   #3750
Suck It
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Default Re: Photography Thread

While we are on the subject of buying cameras and other gear used from various online merchants, I also need
to go on record as being not so sure anymore about Nikon being the best thing for me. And by that I mean that I will
always be a Nikon shooter, that's just how it shook out. I am heavily invested and very happy. But then came the day
that I just had to test out ole Ken Rockwell's impression that the Canon 5D was the perfect portrait and landscape
camera. I can't really speak to the landscape issue, but I was pretty shocked that I would be some impressed with
the results of shooting this camera. Granted, it is an investment that is tough to swallow, but hear me out. I know a few
of you who are shooting Nikon now, but also wanting a full frame camera now. SO let's say for argument that you are FULLY
intent on picking up a full-frame Nikon this year, used, and had decided between a D700 or a D600, just to keep it reasonable.
Do you realize that you can pay $1400 or more for a good D700, $12-1300 for a fair one, and a used D600 is going to ride about
the same level, just $2-400 more. So in order to stay Nikon (so you can use all your lenses) you would pay no less than $1400
for a Full frame camera.

But right now, today, you can go to Ado and get a Canon 5D, original version, TWO YEARS older then the D700,
for $499, and then pick up one, maybe TWO SWEET fast Canon prime lenses and come out below the cost for just
the Nikon full framer BODY you chose to go with? ALL of the full frame goodness, lush, brilliant color, eye-popping
lens quality, even without paying the "L-series" lens money. Your choice of the Canon 85mm f/1.8 or the 100mm f/2
would be fine as your only lens ever, if you didn't want to lay out so much cash. This 100mm f/2 is optically stunning
for it not being considered a high end Canon lens (even though it is in terms of results). You would never even have to
give up Nikon to go full frame. You can keep your Nikon stuff and still have the entire full frame experience for less than
the price of just the Nikon That is just uncanny to me, and it made me happy. I am in no danger of a
Canon slope, but the logic of the premise really had me giddy. SO I sold about 6 old Nikons and picked up a 5D and a $50
lens and a $400 lens. I think a few people here might also think that is a good idea. Even if I came up with it, lol.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg VW-4-14-Can5D 020 copy-sml.jpg (93.4 KB, 345 views)
File Type: jpg VW-4-14-Can5D 046sig-sml.jpg (96.7 KB, 328 views)
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