Re: Photography Thread
This series of printers performed surprisingly well in my experience. And yours is MUCH nicer than mine. The ink is where
they get you, but ink is what makes the photos, so you are going to have to suck it up and just buy ink if you want to
complete the cycle. And boy does that one like ink, shazaam. But the prints it creates are stunning.
A lot of us have a new mentality born of 10-15 years of digital photography, and surfing the internet, we tend to just
amass pictures in massive folders, and printing is something we'd like to do eventually, when we get stuff we REALLY
want to print. But we never really get around to it. These printers are very solid. And paper is a slippery slope, too, haha.
A couple of novel papers I like to tinker with are the metallic glossys and the vinyl or semi-gloss sticker paper. Ask any
kid...stickers are fun.