Thread: Customs bashing
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Old 05-06-2014, 12:27 PM   #18
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Default Re: Customs bashing

I suppose you can't have your cake and eat it.

I for one enjoy universal healthcare, but do recognize a massive chunk of those dollars are from tobacco related illnesses. Having said that, I sit in a tax bracket of 46%, add on 14% GST, sin tax on tobacco and alcohol, and one starts to moan.
I complain even more when large corporations make out like bandits paying 26% and padding their expense accounts.

Said moaning is totally unjustified, given the absolute comfort in which I get to live. (compared to from whence I came in Africa.)

So - you guys down South can envy our legally acquired (expensive) CC's and we will envy your more affordable NCC's. Like I said - can't have your cake and eat it!

Just venting with the BOTL.


Light another....

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