Originally Posted by Stogieboy
It is interesting to watch the numbers. Sad as it may be.
Currently In The Ocean: : 162 (92 Puffer Fish and 70 Lurking Puffer Fish Wanna Be's)
Originally Posted by poker
Currently here:
Currently Active Users: 169 (147 inmates and 22 visitors)
Oh Snap.
Just keep in mind how much buying up CS and whatever other sites he bought cost him. Add that to the new domain, co-location and traffic fees. Factor in the graphic design company, or whomever he hired to design the look of the site and possibly someone with some site design and VB knowledge to set the place up.
Now subtract the money that unhappy advertisers will cost him when they pull their adverts from his site.
Factor in the state of the economy along with the slump in cigar sales that the economic climate has caused.
We need to also consider that puff is now less active then the brand new CA website is.
Do all the math and you're looking at "the Perfect Storm" that will result in the destruction of puff.
This "perfect storm" could be survived if the owner/admin knows how to run an online community but we all know, based on his actions thus far, that Jon is doing everything wrong.
So basically the Asshat is going to be hurting financially. One thing that we also must remember is that since puff is also a new website composed of several other websites stitched together under one banner, his Alexa rating is not nearly as good as CS or the other boards so that's not a selling point he can make to advertisers.
This is what is known as a footbullet.
Puff having an "ocean" theme is very appropriate as his ship is taking on water and will be at the bottom of the sea sooner or later. Most likely sooner.
Jon, if you're reading this, you Fugu'ed up bad and this little stunt is going to cost you a fortune. So if I were you I wouldn't count on rubbing shoulders with Rocky Patel or any other famous cigar producer.
No shoes, no shirts, no dice.