Thread: Bomb list...
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Old 04-29-2014, 07:05 AM   #17
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Bomb list...

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks View Post
I'm saying I'm not gonna knock someone for bombing their buddy all the time (Like Kevin and Jason do.) I think of it like this, "It's like a car. If you wanna hot rod it up and down the street, go ahead. If you don't want to ever take it over 55, go ahead. Either way it's not my business."

Why are people constantly bombing each other a "taboo", but people constantly knocking Cigars that most beginners smoke, ok?
I didn't mean to poke a nerve, and I don't consider it "taboo". It's just not my thing is all.
Bottom line for me is: Bomb who you like, like who you bomb; smoke what you like, like what you smoke.
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