Originally Posted by bruceolee
What moment in the series or in the books made you realize that you were hooked to it? It doesn't always have to be a good moment either. For me it was in season 1 and I hadn't read the books yet when they killed off Sean Beans character Eddard "Ned" Stark. I didn't know about George R.R. Martin's love of killing off your favorite characters yet so it shocked me. He was the reason I was watching the show at that time but it seems to be Sean Bean's curse that he always plays great characters that eventually get killed off too soon. Anyways, what about you? What solidified your love and addiction to this show or the books or both?
That was it for me too. I was like WTF how does one of the main characters just get killed off like that. At the time the wifey wasn't wtching the show with me. She eventually started watching it and pretty much caught all up just before it started and was more excited to start watching this season then I was.