Originally Posted by Bubbleheaddiver
Just picked one up and love it, what does the forum think?
Originally Posted by Zanaspus
If you love it, why do others' opinions matter? 
Originally Posted by Bubbleheaddiver
nice way of saying you have no idea
Really? Your response to that pearl of wisdom is to be rude?
But, since you want an opinion, hers is mine.
I have owned a couple a Dunhill pipes. Personally I'd rather smoke a cob than a Dunhill. I think $50 is more than any of the half dozen Dunhills I owned were worth. Of course, that is simply my opinion.
Yes, the Yachtsman is a nice looking pipe. I am also glad that you found one that smokes well, they never agreed with me - always gave me tongue bite.
Now, my personal opinion is also this, if you love a pipe, a tobacco, or a cigar, what does it matter what anybody else thinks. Enjoy it!!!