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Old 04-04-2014, 08:39 AM   #123
Suck It
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Default Re: Walking Dead Season 4

The reason I was so mad with myself is that on this show, you get VERY LITTLE in the way of character story progression,
so EVERYTHING that is said or done on this show by nearly any character, is important in some way. It is something I often
forget. Game of Thrones is even worse, there are so MANY More characters and storylines that they haven't a SECOND to
waste on something that is not relevant. The reason this sux double is that this show is chock full of mumblers. YOU KNOW
that every line is important, and sometimes I have to replay a sequence many times over before I can figure out what was
said in these throwaway line deliveries that lots of these characters give us. Glenn said something the other night that I still
haven't figured out
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