Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I was thinking when they arrived, BOTH groups, 'home girl is just out there grillin' up a storm'. But they go out of
their way to show barely more than herbs and a few ornamentals growing around the area, which is SO industrial
by it's very nature that there is by definition no real area to grow vegetables. TWICE again, they showed the groups
being offered a plate. I was thinking, "Don't eat that stuff, its either human or walker." But even after being slapped
in the face with it twice (and having never really read the comics enough), I still didn't think any more of cannibalism.
But of COURSE it is cannibalism. Duh. And what's more, it just hit me that RICK was purposely teaching his son the
concept of funneling game into a trap. DUH, DUH, DUH. I am amazed at how thick I can be at times.
As for Carol and Tyreese, i think it is funnier still that the one person that can save Rick's bacon is the one person
MOST likely to say "F that jerk...kick ME out of the group, will ya?". But luckily, she is with Tyreese, who forgave
her in a dramatic scene. So the pressure/dilemma will be interesting when they come back.
Last edited by OLS; 04-03-2014 at 05:39 PM.