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Old 04-01-2014, 10:48 AM   #31
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Default Re: Boveda Packs Regeneration

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
The ratio won't change a bit. It can't. A saturated salt solution (which is what Boveda packs are) can only ever be the RH it is. The reason that's a constant is because of the volume of the Boveda packs. You couldn't get enough water in one of those packets to dilute the salt far enough that it wouldn't continue being saturated. (Saturated chemically speaking.)

Actually, you can, Scott. Although keep in mind that this pack was allowed to absorb water and expand beyond it's design parameters. Hygrometer and battery are new, and was calibrated with the Boveda 75% calibration kit just prior to placing in the bag with the expanded pack a few days ago.

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