Originally Posted by irratebass
I was given one and smoked it yesterday. Before lighting up there was a sweetness on my lips that I couldn't put my finger on, the stick itself smelled like a campfire I guess would be the best way to describe it. I lit it up and the sweetness on my lips continued......after the 1/3 the sweetness was gone as was any other flavor I was getting out of the cigar which was the campfire aroma I mentioned earlier.
I pitched it at the beginning of the 2/3rd..........I didn't care for the Rustica either......hmmm DE going down the drain for me lately.
I tried one a couple months back. Chucked it about halfway, I kept tasting barbecue sauce. I like barbecue, but on barbecue, not in a cigar. Really dissapointed. Have any of you who disliked the KFC tried the Leccia black? I know it's much less fire cured tobacco, just didn't know if you all liked it better.