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Old 03-29-2014, 09:41 PM   #2368
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Default Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by WhiteMamba View Post
Heres a question for you guys. What is the etiquette for making returns on cigars ordered online for problems like wrapper defects like cracks and stuff like that. Do you send it back ever time or only if its real bad or just live with it? I have sent a few back but I'm not sure if its normal or I'm just being picky. TIA

Maybe it is me but if you are unsatisfied with the product you received always make contact with the retailer. I would be willing to bet that ALOT of larger retailers will atleast try and rectify the situation as best they can. Then again if you are not satisfied with the retailer just don't use them again.

I personally though have not had any issues so far with an online retailers messing up an order or sending damaged product. Granted I only have 10 or so orders under my belt as I am still figuring out what I really like so I visit a few B&Ms for a lot of my sticks.
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