In my family we have:
An ipad 2 and ipad with retina display
A google nexus 7
2 kindle HD
And, a Sony tablet.
Of all of them, the sony gets little use. The ipad with retina gets the most.
But the price really is ridiculous.
The google and kindle all are very close behind.
Myself, if i could buy another, the nexus would be my first choice.
The kindle will take a little getting used to as it is not quite as intuitive. But, at that price, i wouldn't hesitate to jump on it. After a couple of weeks you will be much faster navigating on the kindle than on another tablet. It does allow for some nice shortcuts. I don't think you will be disappointed at all.
After all, if you look at the start of this post, it is the only tablet that my family has bought 2 of the same exact units of. So, we are definitely pleased.
I think you will be too