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Old 03-23-2014, 12:29 AM   #30
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Default Re: Need Help - Re: Trauma/Doctor/Gunshot

Something to consider, if you need more damage, early muzzle loaders were often double-shotted, meaning they put a little extra powder in, and loaded two balls in the same load. Because these guns did not have rifled barrels, they were not very accurate, and double-shotting the load gave a greater chance to hit your target. So, it you need a shot to hit your victim, and another to do additional action of some sort (on same general trajectory as first bullet), then you also have the option of including a double-shotted load! Good luck! BTW, I'm NOT a medical doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn one time.
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.
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