Thread: WWE Network
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Old 03-19-2014, 08:15 AM   #8
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Default Re: WWE Network

Originally Posted by MrClean View Post
That's awesome, didn't even know they were starting their own channel. When I was young I'd watch the old school wrestlers, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes with my dad. Stopped watching for awhile then a friend of mine got me into watching it again, when Austin and the Rock were at the top, those were some awesome matches to watch. We were at the show in KC when Owen Hart fell, I pretty much stopped watching after that. But I'd love to see some of the older matches. With Flair and Hogan that was just a good time.
That was a tragic night. Did they ever announce to the live audience that he died, or did you find out later?

There's tons of old stuff on the network: all WWF, WCW, and ECW ppvs, classic WCCW shows, classic WWF shows dating back to the late 70s, and a lot of documentaries and round table discussions.

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