Originally Posted by chippewastud79
A "reliable workhorse", with a career .500 record and 4.25 ERA. If he doesn't get much better in a short period of time, its going to be $18.5M a year of wasted money. And that's assuming his elbow issues don't come back. He got paid more for two no-hitters than his entire body of work
Side note: I played the wrong sport, when a guy like Homer signs a $100M+ deal in today's MLB. 
Maybe his WHIP is amazing.
On your side note, you could have tried basketball too. You're tall enough and I'm sure nobody could box you out. Heck Josh Smith doesn't even try when he's on court and the Pistons gave him a 4 year $54 million deal. NBA is nuts with the losers they pay over $10 million/year