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Old 03-03-2014, 07:41 PM   #88
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Default Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by kelmac07 View Post
A whole episode for Darryl and Beth? At least it wasn't a whole episode of SGT Abraham Ford.
I thought it was a pretty good episode myself, granted it didn't cover much ground other then Darryl struggling to become a reformed bad@ss and Beth struggling to become less of a pansy but hey, writers gotta take breaks also right?

As far as Abraham Ford goes, I am quite surprised they didn't give us any more to go on with that as of yet. I mean here they add 3 new people, give us no real info on them (other then what some know from the comics and what I gathered from the Talking Dead) and then leave us to wonder for at least 1 whole episode....

What about Tyrese? wonder how he is getting along with those 2 young girls and the baby in the woods. Would have been nice to have a brief flash of how that is going for him...

and what of this scientist guy with the Abraham group? so he knows what caused it, doesn't mean he knows how to fix it. definitely too far gone to "fix" many things... much like being Mr. Hindsight at this point...

I am glad Beth's first drink wasn't peach snapps tho... too bad it wasn't Mac's apple pie shine....
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