Thread: It's happend
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Old 01-26-2009, 07:59 PM   #835
Knowhutimean, Vern?
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Default Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by Da Klugs View Post
Naa just a crying shame is all.

Being a little... more vintage than most here, thought a little observation that parallels my life might be in order.

Built a business for another back in the late 80's thru the 90's. Went from 2mm to 50mm. 30 employees to 400. Started in sales and had a hand in bringing in the growth in good people and business. Ended up as president. There were significant character issues with our owner that culminated in my getting fired on a Monday after returning the previous day from a ski trip with some of the team. Worst day of my life. Over the next month most of the team quit. Sat out their non- competes and starved for 18 months.

Today we own and run a business together that is bigger and better than the one we left. Everyone is better off and happier than we ever were or could have been. Trial by fire forges strong bonds.

Weird the parallels in our lives at times. From the worst of things can spring the best of things.
What happened to the old boss, Dave? Did he go under?

Insert quote here.
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