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Old 02-19-2014, 09:16 PM   #6577
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by cigarmonkel View Post
I don't know much about 1911's other then the fact that I want one.. no check that.. I NEED one. But i've heard that the new springfield and kimber 1911's aren't nearly as good as they used to be and that S&W and Sig make the better 1911's now unless you go custom built or very high end 1911. Just what I've heard from forum talk at least.
Springfields have never been better. They ceased production at the Imbel plant, and now final assembly is done in Illinois. My Mil-Spec has the same fit and finish as my full-rail TRP. A good friend of mine has a S&W 1911 and it's nowhere near as nice. And he paid more for it than mine. Don't know which forums you've obtained the info from...but I would suggest and

Most production guns have MIM parts. Nothing wrong with them. My oldest Springer has over 10,000 rounds through it and no problems. As long as it's put together well, it will last a long time. Poorly fitted matter HOW they are made...are on borrowed time.

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