Thread: Nashville Shops
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Old 02-17-2014, 09:59 PM   #7
In Vino Veritas
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Default Re: Nashville Shops

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
Meh, new owner. The problem is he couldn't keep the deals with liga/illusione so there's almost no real boutique cigars. From what I remember most of the people here that like NC's buy Viaje, tatuaje, illusione, liga and won't find any of that there. No Opus or high end fuentes, not that great of a padron selection. Really nothing I would want to smoke, even if I had to fish and buy SOMETHING, there's very minimal there. The dude doesn't seem to know his stuff, he seems like an older guy that just likes the hobby. It's a nice store, but unfortunately the inventory blows.

Haven't ever been to uptowns, but from what I hear they have the best selection. I always end up smoking at bars that allow it and bring my own, but I'd try there if anything.
Howdy Bill, I assume you're talking about Smoke and Ale (who also used to own what is now Franklin Cigar)? Yeah he's never had Viaje, very little tat or illusion and no Opus. He does carry the Liga stuff and he almost always has Hemingway's. I rarely go there unless I'm looking for one of those.

I believe Uptowns is going to have the best selection, but I cant remember if they have beer or not. I've never stuck around to smoke in the lounge. Just stop in if I'm near and have time.
The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
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