Here is a shot I gathered last night at a gig in Memphis. I rode around town trying to hit 3 separate gigs,
and the entire night was a comedy of errors, until I got to a safe haven of sorts, the Center for Southern Folklore,
where what i do is FULLY appreciated. I got poked with a cover charge at one place I used to do really nice work in helping
them publicize, so I left there instead of paying. Was at another gig that was an evening to raise funds for the NIBI Walk,
a Water project with some native Americans to renew the Ohio River. I waited 40 mins for them to start (late) and then by
the time the show started, they said "No photos, please". WTF? LOL, no skin off my nose, it just surprised me. I think they
meant no photos of the Native Ceremonies, but I didn't stick around to find out, they already had me late. but then I just
decided to go to the CFSF downtown.
Ed Finney in Memphis TN by
Brad-(OLS), on Flickr