Originally Posted by pnoon
Reviving an old but favorite thread. The irony is that that I am currently enjoying a martini with Uncle Val's and a splash of sake.
Here is my new fave. Very floral.

Pete you should give the G'VINE NOUAISON a try. Doesnt come across as sweet as the floraison but nice. Not sure if you have tried Martin Miller either standard or Westbourne Strength, but if you like the Gvine I think you will like this. It has a similar underlying sweetness. Comb gin which is made from honey may also be up your alley.
local b&m has some gin guys and we have pooled together to sample a lot of things recently.
If you have a chance I would also recommend trying the following if you have not
Voyager Gin
Northshore #11
Two gins that were very easy to drink but no one had much of an opinion on were The Botanist and Q quintessential gin.
Things I found to be a waste of money
"Boomer and Lazarus" Gvine is a better price and better taste
"Right" way too much citrus
"Prohibition" it has Cinnamon profile just nasty
"No.3 London Dry" not bad just not note worthy or worth money
"Tahoe Moonshine Gin" it reminded us of salty fish