Ain't Never Gonna Leave
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Todd
Location: Northcentral woods of Wisconsin
Posts: 6,871
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz
I'm roughly a month into pipe smoking and really digging it so far. I thank all you old farts for the kind advice.
Old farts? Seriously? You want to call me an old fart? Fart? Yes! Old? I refuse to go into that dark night.
7. Crosseyed Cricket - Aromatic- Sweet and smokey. Tough to get my arms around this one. Had quite a few bowls to start, but haven't found my way back recently... Not bad, just different.
Good assessment. I haven't had any in ages, but it reminded me of Lakakia and Fruit Loops.
5. Dunhill Flake - Straight Virginia - I call this the champagne of pipe tobacco. Not strong, not spicy. I've folded and stuffed: I've cube cut and rubbed it out. A full bowl lasts two hours. I'm tired of this one half way through. Light, and savory. I don't get the sweet out of this that others do. Not bad, but not very engaging. I think I may rub this out with some burley kake to see what happens...
Please, oh please, do not pollute this wonderful VA with any crappy Burley. (OK, my personal taste is that there is nothing redeeming about burley, so I see no reason for it.) But that parenthetical statement and your finding sweetness in the burley proves a point - everybody's palate is different. Of course, it might also have to do with the pipes you are using (has something been smoked in it previously that has ghosted it), and the rate at which you smoke, or what might be distracting you while smoking it. I find Dunhill Flake wonderfully sweet - but it smokes sweeter when it is a bit dried out.
4. Squadron Leader - English/oriental Mixture - moderate strength, mild to moderate smokey flavors. The tin note is more smokey and scotch-ey than the smoke. Very nice tobacco. Perhaps not my cup-o-tea. Love the icky sticky consistency of this one out of the tin. Very appealing!! Not giving up on this one by any means, just more wild about the next three right now.
Icky, sticky is not a good way for tobacco to be in order for it to smoke well. Most tobaccos are sent out overly moist so that they do not dry out to fast. However, smokability comes with some drying time. When you pinch a clump of tobacco it should not stick together, but neither should it turn to dust, but it should feel more on the drier side when it is time to smoke. (at least, that is what I have personally found to be true)
3. Escudo - VAPER - Very nice coin cut tobacco. One coin quitar pick folded into my small Kaywoodie is perfect. One hour of bliss. Slow smoking and cool. I find myself tamping the edges into the fire. I've not had as much luck rubbing it out. I figure it's coin cut for a reason. Not spicy or confrontational at all. Very smooth and strong in a backhanded kind of way. I can see many layers in this smoke. It seems to hit it's stride right before it clogs up my stinger with dottle.
The coin cut can be smoked that way, but ropes are made so that the constituent tobaccos can meld, and then it is cut into coins so that you don't have to. They are left as coins cause it look cool. it can be folded and smoked, I like it that way. Rubbed out however, I (PERSONALLY) have found that the flavors open up a bit. Rubbing it also allows it to dry more evenly and "hits it's stride" a bit sooner.
2. Elizabethan Mixture - VAPER - this was tops in my book for a while. Spicy, smooth, sweet, and thick smoke. What more can be said about this one? I could be a very happy man smoking nothing but this. I love it.
1. Three Nuns - Virginia, Kentucky - Curly cut - spun There seems to be some controversy surrounding this one. I never had the pleasure of smoking the VAPER blend, so I can't compare the two. The original must have been bliss if this is a mere shadow as some allege. This is perfect in my opinion. The tin smells like sweet horse feed. Heavy molasses scents and flavors. Smokes cool with no bite. I was worried since this is a Mac Baren blend and others are concerned with the McB bite. The small coins stack and fold nicely in my pipes. I seem to tamp and push this one together quite a bit, but the sweet; humid, cool smoke is it's own reward. I don't have to tamp and relight as much as Dunhill flake, but it's almost as annoying. The flavors on re-lighting are superb. Thick; smooth, tongue coating, nutty sweetness. Bliss. 
Looking forward to trying this. I remember this with Perique, and then the next version without. WOW, talk about a perversion - it was like mammoric glands on a male bovine. I took some of the second version and added some Perique and let it sit. I think I got the ratios wrong, but it was an improvement. I am looking forward to trying this, and if necessary, I still have some more Perique left.
Jerry, it is good to see someone trying new things. Do not let yourself be corrupted by thinking, "I need to like it because Joe Pipester says it is marvelous." I have a buddy who smokes only Carter Hall. I cannot stand it, but he loves it - so be it.
But, try a bunch of things to find what you like.
I still try things, but I have found a few blends that are my staples. I do not see spending money on tobaccos that I think are nice but don't get into the rotation.
Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"