Originally Posted by badbriar
You will find your niche. Aromatics rarely taste as good as they smell in the tin or jar. That's not to say there aren't a lot of great aromatics, just different than the unlit aroma. Also, aromatics sometimes give even regular pipe guys tongue-bite. This is more a result of body chemistry than technique or the blend itself. Personally, I can't tolerate even the lightest aromatic blends...terrible tongue-bite! On the other hand, I prefer much stronger English and Oriental blends. Virginias can bite pretty bad if you push them, or get a lesser grade. Now, some very fine Virginia blends, like Full Virginia Flake, are really good! Just don't huff like a freight train, or you'll need to put ice on the tongue! 
To try some very good, available English & Oriental blends, look at Berkshire and
Balkan Sasieni. Medium strength with lots of great flavors and good price points as well. Hit Smokingpipes.com for tins and estate pipes. Also look at TobaccoReviews.com.

I needed this post. On occasion, I smoke a pipe and love it. I've always used Brigadier Black Bull run aromatic. I love the aroma but hate the tongue bite. It's hard to keep lit too. I can only smoke a pipe two days in a row before I have to switch back to cigars to give my mouth a rest. So, I ordered two tins of Balkan Sasieni. We'll see how that goes. Thanks for the tip.