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Old 01-29-2014, 05:43 AM   #942
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz View Post

3. Escudo - VAPER - Very nice coin cut tobacco. One coin quitar pick folded into my small Kaywoodie is perfect. One hour of bliss. Slow smoking and cool. I find myself tamping the edges into the fire. I've not had as much luck rubbing it out. I figure it's coin cut for a reason. Not spicy or confrontational at all. Very smooth and strong in a backhanded kind of way. I can see many layers in this smoke. It seems to hit it's stride right before it clogs up my stinger with dottle.

2. Elizabethan Mixture - VAPER - this was tops in my book for a while. Spicy, smooth, sweet, and thick smoke. What more can be said about this one? I could be a very happy man smoking nothing but this. I love it.

1. Three Nuns - Virginia, Kentucky - Curly cut - spun There seems to be some controversy surrounding this one. I never had the pleasure of smoking the VAPER blend, so I can't compare the two. The original must have been bliss if this is a mere shadow as some allege. This is perfect in my opinion. The tin smells like sweet horse feed. Heavy molasses scents and flavors. Smokes cool with no bite. I was worried since this is a Mac Baren blend and others are concerned with the McB bite. The small coins stack and fold nicely in my pipes. I seem to tamp and push this one together quite a bit, but the sweet; humid, cool smoke is it's own reward. I don't have to tamp and relight as much as Dunhill flake, but it's almost as annoying. The flavors on re-lighting are superb. Thick; smooth, tongue coating, nutty sweetness. Bliss.

Again, thanks for the pushes in the right direction. I can't wait to try more blends.

Next on my list is Hal O the Wynd, or Dunbar if I can find it locally.

So, I am assuming the Thee Nuns is the new edition? I'd gladly trade you a for few bowls of Three Nuns - I will send you a couple of Hal 'O the Wynd? If you are interested, give me a PM.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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