When i joined this forum two years ago i never thought i would have ever hit a point in my smoking life where I could say this. I just hit a mile stone. I have finished my frist note book of my personal cigar reviews. I am stoked! I never thought that I could have ever tried so many cigars. I am a guy who like to stick with what he knows he like ( more like I am afraid of wasting money). I know for some of you guys tring over 200 different cigars is nothing. Too me I am stoked to start my next book and the goal is to finish it with this year.
I want to thank you guys who gifted me so many new cigars since I have joined. You have opened my eyes to so many cigars. This happened because of you. I have learned so much for you guys I hope one day to be on your level.
Thank you for taking time out of your life to hear me rant about this.