Originally Posted by alfredo_buscatti
Are all beads created equal? I got mine from Heartfelt. I've gotten good results with them...
This is one of those "religious" issues. Every one thinks that the product they use (or sell) is the best and no other products are good enough.
Heatfelt makes a good product. HCM beads are also a good product. I prefer the latter myself
For me personally, I draw the line at Kitty Litter. Some people use it and are happy with it, but I find it difficult to call it a good product for cigar humidification. Those people that use it and are happy with it are free to continue to use it -- my opinion is not worth the electrons required to display it...
I also lump all those gels, PG solution and foam-based products into the "not very good for cigar humidification category". Most of those a designed to release moisture rather than regulate RH.