Re: Aristocrat pictures
I have dual cooling units on mine. If you look at the photo I posted above, you can see them. They work extremely well.
I keep the temperature control set at 72. In the summer I keep the house at 78, so they cycle on and off. In the winter the house is kept at 72, so they never run. I had Bob install double units because at the time, we kept the house A/C off when we were at work or traveling and we lived/live in a desert environment. Even if the ambient temperature in the house was in the nineties, the cabinet had no trouble cooling to 72 with the dual units.
Now I'm retired and home most of the time, so I keep the house cooler than I used to in the summer. I think I could get by with one cooling unit now, though the dual units really keep the cabinet cool without running all that much. And if we leave on vacation in the summer, turn off the A/C and it's 115 out, no matter how hot the house gets the cabinet can maintain a steady 72.