Originally Posted by Blueface
Yeah, but you didn't feel my pain in that post.
That was four hours I will never get back, multiplied by monthly.
I feel your pain, really, pain. It takes me four hours to do a proper cleaning in my tank, too. That involves a lot of scraping coraline off the sides, picking anemones, cleaning filters and skimmers...all while leaning over the tank with one arm in. I pinched a nerve in my neck or back yesterday doing this. Pain.
My wife was at the LFS Sat. and she picked up a little Dottyback, put it in the tank and it seemed to be all right, but the next morning it was totally gone without a trace. ??? I never saw it. I still keep looking but this is the second day with no sign. Tough little fish. I don't think it died from being introduced to my tank. Maybe it found a one way hiding place. I lost a fish that way once.