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Old 01-02-2014, 06:01 AM   #576
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Default Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz View Post
I like the cricket so far. I don't have enough experience to love it or hate it. It just IS for me currently. I see reviews that equate it to Hawaiian punch. I suppose some of the subtleties of pipe tobacco are lost on me. To date I've had: captain black about 10 years ago, pipe and cigars house burley cake and the cricket.

I loved the smell of the burley in the bag. In the pipe, not so much. I can't wait to try the Elizabethan

I'll probably post another query in the old farts thread soon. I'm still learning, but I can tell this is quite a different slope. No less steep, just different.

And also with you.
Not a big fan of burley either. Smells nice to me in the pouch, but not a fan of the taste. It is supposed to have nutty flavors and such, and is supposed to be what our ancestors on this continent smoked a ton of. OK, I personally do not like it. Virginias and VaPers (Virginia/Perique blends) are my favorites. I will still smoke an occasional Latakia blend, and an aromatic might make it into the rotation.

Oh, here is a biggie. I do not know if you have read or heard this before, but do not expect the volume of smoke that you get out of a cigar when you smoke your pipe. To get that much smoke, you will burn out pipes and fry your tongue.

The best way to explain the perfect burn is to sip pipe tobacco.

Another thing is that a pipe kept in the mouth will smoke better and stay burning longer than a pipe held in the hand, just the simple movement of air in the mouth helps the tobacco to smolder perfectly.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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