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Old 12-23-2013, 06:52 PM   #8
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: Christmas Letter

Originally Posted by stjoe56 View Post
Pastor, I'm pretty new to the forum and don't post because I'm not familiar with forums anyway, but after reading the message you included from Luke and your family update I would like to. I found your news interesting and you are blessed, as we all are. A blessed Christmas to you and yours! The reason I wanted to respond is because I was introduced to cigars by a former pastor (and a son-in-law) at a family night gathering on a Sunday night at Grace Lutheran in Hobbs, NM in 2007. I enjoy this forum pretty much daily and not new to yours and any of the other regular posters here, thanks guys I've learned alot here. Merry Christmas to CA!
That wouldn't have been Grace Lutheran Church in Hobbs, would it?

Thanks for your kind words.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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