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Old 12-23-2013, 03:02 PM   #14
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Default Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?

Originally Posted by Remo View Post
Have never seen the show so I can't comment, only issue I have is how basically no one can have their own opinions anymore, everything is so PC, don't say or do anything that may offend anyone...F that!!
It's not uncommon for these kind of acting contracts to include catch-all sections about not doing anything that discredits or embarrasses the employer/production company/studio etc. Unless you're a serious A-lister, pulling Sheen-esque commentary out of your ass when on record isn't going to fly.

That being said, I still think it's a publicity stunt. If they were so embarrassed by him and wanted to bury this, why did A&E, after they had suspended him, decide to schedule and run a Duck Dynasty marathon of episodes featuring him. That decision wasn't made until after he was suspended. Ratings are through the roof now. It's all about the money.
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