Originally Posted by CigarNut
Very cool Scotty -- looks like you have another buddy for life!
Sadly, I don't. Last night, while letting the dogs mingle for a bit, she clamped on to Munch and wouldn't let go. Took me 2 minutes and a Zebra pen to open her jaws enough to free him.
Took him to the vet with 2 minor puncture wounds. Stapled him up and gave him the cone of shame…along with some pain killers.
I was bleeding more than him. Her foster parents picked her up late last night. I don't blame Princess. I blame her past owners. She's had a rough life, and it shows in her interactions with other animals. I tried everything I could to get her to blend with the house. She was fine with me and Finn…and anyone I brought over to the house. For some reason, her and Munch never meshed…and it showed. No sooner was my hand off of her collar after letting her out of her crate, that she was on him.
Bit of a rough night.