Thread: It's happend
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Old 01-25-2009, 08:59 PM   #659
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Default Re: It's happening

Originally Posted by Blaylock View Post
Today I receive a personal threat, which I feel puts me and my whole family in jeopardy.

These are Cigar boards and we all signed up to discuss the things we enjoy doing and hopefully to build friendships along the way. When it becomes personal, its time to step back and take a look at what we're doing here.
I have had the same problems on other boards... I have received email threats and other questionable communication before. The first one was scary - after that, I took them all with a grain of salt.

It is very unfortunate that folks act that way - after all, it is a cigar board, and nothing else. Some folks become totally absorbed in it and it becomes a way of life, others hide behind the relative anonymity of the public Internet and throw threats that they could not possibly follow up on.

Either way, it sucks, and I am sorry to hear that you are getting harassed. There are several folks in our crew that would be happy to assist, I am sure!

If the person making the threats doesnt have your name and address, there isnt really much they can do, IMO...
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