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Old 12-18-2013, 09:23 PM   #14
Still Watching My Back
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Default Re: Aunt B. Needs Some Router Help...

Heh G G that looks like one of the parts I sell for work....the price is close to my cost as well..If it is its a great WAP although it does take a little bit of network know how to setup properly.

Another issue with Wifi that I did not mention before and should be considered when deploying any network is that you may see and get a Wifi signal from a great distance away, this will not mean that you get a great connection. Most mobile devices have junk antennas for wifi, which means they can pick up the network but do not have the power to transmit information back to the network. This can bring down the whole network in the house. The other issue is when covering a large area, if you have a device in the fringe, with 30-40% signal, your network is using more resources to transmit information to this device. This will also result in slowing down the network but should not stop it.
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